Our services
WKI offers consulting, expertise and resources for:
Community education
Family education
Organizing parent committees
Organizing student achievement communities
Classroom etiquette
Developing study habits
Strengthening student behavior
High school and college readiness
Test preparation
Neighborhood pride initiatives
Social services information
Community-led task forces
Academic support programs
Social work initiatives
Home-visit initatives
On-the-job experiential learning
We implement, consult, and colaborate to handle larger initiatives.

Wise Knowledge Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization. Donations are tax deductible.

Sponsor school activities so they can serve more students and families
Insist that low-income students have a voice in planning school activities
Network with schools and businesses and encourage them to offer experiential learning opportunities for low-income students
Include low-income parents in planning and implementing school activities
"How does indoctrination like this help children who struggle to master phonics and the multiplication tables? How does the notion that black children are 'emotional' and prone to 'rolling of the eyes,' while white children are 'intellectual' and good at 'quantitative thinking,' support minority children in ways that will reduce the learning gap?
The tragedy is that schools that embrace such ideological nonsense are harming the very students who most need our help."
Katherine Kersten
Running the wrong way on learning gap
Star Tribune
Center of the American Experiment
March 11, 2012
"The first step to closing that gap is to believe, as I do, that high expectations are for all students. I believe intelligence is equally distributed throughout the world, but opportunity is not. And the same is true within our own country."
President William J. Clinton
Bill Clinton: Remarks at the White House Strategy Session on Improving Hispanic Student Achievement
The American Presidency Project, June 15, 2000